Monday 5 May 2008


Infiltration is an online Zine that (you can also by it in black and white print) about urban exploration in areas that are not intended for public uses. This ranges from abandoned buildings such as mental institutions and warehouses to the catacombs in Paris.

Here is a time line made by the publication of those the creators of the Zine consider were before them.

Short Extract:

1861 Writing in the Brooklyn Standard, poet Walt Whitman describes his visit to Brooklyn's recently abandoned Atlantic Avenue Tunnel, which in 1844 had been built as the first subway tunnel in the world.

1904 One week after the opening of the subway system, New Yorker Leidschmudel Dreispul is killed by an oncoming train while exploring the new tunnels. The Interborough Rapid Transit company responds by erecting "no trespassing" signs throughout the system.

1916 Harry H. Gardiner, "The Human Fly", climbs 12 floors and 211 feet up the side of Detroit's Majestic Building, thereby becoming the first builderer in recorded history.

1921 In perhaps the first organized group expedition to an abandoned building, Dadaists including Andre Breton, Paul Eluard, Francis Picabia and Tristan Tzara organize a trip to the deserted and little-known church of St. Julien le Pauvre in Paris. In promoting the event, the Dadaists promise to remedy "the incompetence of suspect guides and cicerones", offering instead a series of visits to selected sites, "particularly those which really have no reason for existing".

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